Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Antonella Mason

I thought I would review other artist sites and galleries from time to time. I stumbled across Antonella one evening and had a very nice exchange with her. She truly embraces the life of an artist and has so much passion. The first line of her artist's statement reads "The essence of the human soul has become the purpose of my search." I posted my new statement last week for all to read. The statement tells so much about our (the artist's) mission, love, passion and purpose. Antonella has composed one fantastic statement.

When you view her site (antonella-mason.it) you will find very expressive brush strokes, introspective views into her subject and an intensity that reveals the artist's heart and soul.

Very cool paintings, poetry, great photos and one very impressive resume. She travels back and forth between Italy and NYC. There are so many great artists out there- so many interesting people in the world- add Antonella to the list.

1 comment:

Antonella Mason Artist said...

Well,.it is me James...
I am so pleased to read what you wrote about me and my work. Soon I will update the website and would like for us to talk some more. I do not even remember when and how we spoke, I guess through an email you sent. I have to said "Let's bless the Internet!! " in a way, it makes us crossing each other and more. Keep me posted on this blog and "Yes...I put my sould on my work,..I do" . Here is another statement I have just wrote a statement on my inspirational sources ..here it is and forgive my English just in case of a mistake: "I was born a painter. All alone went through the psychological questions that every true artist feels in her/his heart, believing it was only about me. At the end of every chapter of my life, I was founding more the real self of my own spirit: this is what ART is about. Today, I can say that my ART exists also because of others...expecially because of others, to who I dedicate the spirit of it"(Antonella Mason). Ciao James and thank you for what you do.