Sunday, May 3, 2009

Obama and the Economy

To continue with my political post, it's important to get involved and exercise your right to vote. Why so many people surrender that right is beyond me. You have a voice- exercise it!

This weekend I had a conversation with a few people about the current state of the economy. It amazes me that some people are blaming Obama for the economy. How is that possible? This entire disaster was created by the last administration. Honestly, how can you spin that? I don't make too many comments in here about politics, but this current economy is doing tremendous damage to the arts, so it's hard to ignore.

Now that Obama is president, I am wondering why he wanted it so badly. He is going to struggle with this crisis for a long time and even though he inherited it, there will always be people who will blame him.

Give him a break folks. He appears to be a sincere and genuine person and he deserves a chance.

Okay, that's it for the political comments for now. Hope everyone is having a great weekend.


Max said...

So true. incredible how people always pass the buck. No one is ever accountable. Even the people who made such poor choices voting will never admit they were wrong.

Max said...

I was referring to the re-election, not the newly appointed. Wanted to make sure there wasn't confusion.

Anonymous said...

So easy to blame everyone else.