Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day

End of the weekend... I hope everyone had a happy Mother's Day. Now there's a category of people who can truly experience the meaning of life. Is there a human experience that could match the intensity of the bond between a mother and child? Is there anything more sacred?

Hmm, I read that and realize what a hopeless idealist I am. If that were the case, we wouldn't see cases in the media about the neglect, abuse and murder of children by their own parents. You have to wonder what kind of sick individual could harm their own child?

Sorry about that, I didn't mean to end the post on an unhappy note, but the very sad truth is that there are millions of children in the world who face some type of abuse every day, whether it be physical or emotional. How can a parent mess that up? How do you get it wrong? How can you become your own child's tormentor? Could there be a worse crime than one against a child? I think not.


Anonymous said...

Seriously who could hurt their own child when there are so many people who want children and can't have them or don't have the means to adopt. My stepmom wanted to have a child more than anything, she finally got pregnant and it was the happiest i've ever seen her. They then found out there were some complications. My brother was born but died 10 days later. My point is how can parents live with themselves when they purposly hurt their children because my stepmom could barely live with what happened to my brother and it wasn't even her fault. BTW my parents ended up adopting 2 from the US and one from Russia.

Cin said...

So many people experience similar situations. It's not fair, not when there are assholes and drunks out there having babies left and right.

There's no reason, no answer that makes sense.