Monday, December 1, 2008


I was surfing the net, searching for new and exciting artwork and I stumbled across an artist known as Kettle. Check out to see his work.

What cool images! I love the works on vintage paper-the robots are my favorite of the series.

Take the time to look through his gallery, he has created an entirely new world. Great use of line accompanied by a color palette that brings his art universe to life. I love the personality of the characters! I love the mermaids, love the expression on the faces of the girls, love the bunny.... go check out his stuff. It's cool, it's fun, it's expressive. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

It is so cool that you promote other artists!!!! The art world needs more people like you.

James Wodarek said...

Thank you Maura. Art shouldn't come down to the survival of the fittest. The beautiful thing about art is that we all have our own vision and there is room for everyone. It would be boring as hell if you didn't have so many different artists offering so many different views of the world.

Artists should support one other. We should buy original art, we should attend each other's openings. Why not? Life is too short.