Wednesday, December 31, 2008

High School Musical

Okay, just so you know- I haven't lost my mind. Yes, the title of this post is indeed "High School Musical". I think Disney has done a great thing with these movies. Here's why: Disney has just turned a crazy, insane amount of kids and pre-teens into new fans of musical theater. That's a great thing! Think of how many kids out there across the continent who now aspire to be singers, dancers, actors, choreographers and composers because of the mega-success of these movies. What a great influence! This is good for the arts. Hopefully this will encourage more kids to pursue theater, drama, music, dance, etc. Hopefully this will influence kids to develop a greater appreciation for the arts, to be active members of the arts community in the future and/or to become patrons of the arts.

So you see, I'm not crazy afterall!

Have a great night. Thanks for all the great comments to follow the Bucket List post. I loved reading them. Have a great New Year's Eve and be safe.



Anonymous said...

You aren't crazy JW. I don't like how Disney productions come into town with all of their own people and cut out all local talent while the local arts organizations roll out the red carpet. BUT, we may very well have an entire new generation of people who will love and support the arts. I agree, kudos to Disney, but just this once. :)

Anonymous said...

I don't expect these kids to become patrons of the arts. I think they will just change to the new fad and leave musical theater behind. I'm a pessimist though, hopefully I'm wrong.

Mimzie said...

hopefully there won't be anymore Hannah Montana's in this world. what a sad depiction of a teenagers life!

Anonymous said...

I too am happy for the success of these Disney films. It could have been another teen movie about a jock womanizer. HSM is a good influence on today's rug rats.

Anonymous said...

Please make the songs stop! Please!