Sunday, January 25, 2009


It's been a lazy weekend- when it's cold out and snow is falling, a lazy weekend is always a good thing. Today I went to the Grande Concourse for brunch. What a beautiful building that is. It's a shame that architecture of that level has become a thing of the past. The wooodwork, windows, columns, dome ceiling, marble; every single aspect of it is truly a work of art. It's hard to imagine it as a functioning train station. Put it on your list of things to do.

Everytime it snows I am reminded of undergrad school. My drawing table faced a huge window. I had this amazing view of undisturbed woods comprised of these majestic trees. The perfect view in the winter. So many times I stopped painting or drawing to just take in the scenery. I loved to work at night. At 3 or 4 in the morning, the stillness of the night accompanied by the snow falling so elegantly in the moonlight created the perfect atmosphere for an artist.

Enjoy the snow today, keep warm and drive safe.



Anonymous said...

I so love the snowfall. You are wonderous and beautiful person.

Anonymous said...

Wow, is it getting hot in here? You sure know how to make a girl's heart go pitter patter!

Anonymous said...

Love the snow. It makes the world seem clean and pure. For a moment at least.

Anonymous said...

Hello gorgeous. Reading your thoughts on snow just as we are about to get snowed in. I love your artwork, especially the faces. You're amazing!