Monday, April 13, 2009

Pittsburgh Police

I rarely make controversial or angry comments in here, but today I think I will make an exception. As you may know, three Pittsburgh Police officers were recently gunned down. The city had a very honorable and dignified funeral service for them last week. I didn’t know any of these men, but I know they left small children and spouses behind. The officers had enough control and discipline when returning fire to shoot the attacker in the legs, so he is alive, in jail awaiting his trial. By the way, the scumbag wants to write and publish a book.

I have befriended many police officers over the years, many with families, very similar to these gentlemen. I would hope that if one of them were being fired upon in such a manner that one of them would land a head shot on the attacker. Not a humanitarian comment I know, but these men go out everyday and put their lives at risk simply by wearing the uniform. They deal with psychos, crack heads, drug dealers, etc. all armed with guns and rights. You see, the news story about these men has already disappeared. People are busy with their own lives, they forget, they move on. If one of these crack heads gets knocked around by an officer though, the news story will go on for months, even years. There will be an investigation, the officer will be named in the news, the station will be picketed and there will be a protest, maybe even a benefit concert because the police officer was too tough with an armed drug addict.

This whole thing disgusts me. The officers need to go home at the end of their shift. Criminals forfeit their rights when they attack, resist or break the law.

Here’s the ugly truth- the world is full of evil people. I like to believe there is good in everyone, but I am often times proven wrong. Some people are simply evil.


Cassie Kay said...

I AGREE!! Why is the worthless criminal still alive while the officers he killed are not? It's definitely not fair, and it doesn't make sense. Officers should be allowed to be more forceful towards criminals... I'm sure a lot of them deserve it.

Anonymous said...

Thanks man, my dad was a cop for 26 years. Everyone always wants to blame the police and no one gives a shit when one of them are assaulted.

During his career, my dad was stabbed, punched and shot at and no one ever cared. He broke a guy's wrist once trying to put handcuffs on some drug dealer who had already stabbed an officer and my dad almost lost his job because of it.

Criminals have more rights than we do. As long as there are greedy lawyers, it will never change.

CC said...

Not a popular topic with the art community. Truth hurts.

Cassie Kay said...

This is a shame, because I think artists have some of he most responsibility to make a difference in society. Artists need to be aware, make a statement, and make a difference. Great artists, at least. Those who don't care about what's going on in the world will leave less of an impact on the world with their art. And that's a shame, when great talent goes to waste because of ignorance or lack of compassion for the world.

Jim, you're not only a great artist, but a great person. You make people think, and you make people care, and that can all be seen through your art. I'm glad you posted this blog entry.

Anonymous said...

You say it how it is. I know there are artists who will dislike this entry. Many artists are liberal, but being liberal doesn't mean that you protect criminals. Some people don't see that, they get too involved in their blanket cause that they want to protect everyone, even killers and terrorists. That's plain wrong. This is a very good post and it is great that you aren't afraid to make that post.

Cassie Kay said...

I had my final project in my digital photography class last Wednesday, and one woman dedicated her project to the 3 officers who were killed. She lived 2 blocks from the shooting and photographed how it influenced the community through time. It was very sad, but very beautiful. I'm pretty sure my teacher cried during the presentation. I know I commented a lot on this entry, but I think this is a more positive view on the situation, and proof that there are the compassionate people that can put their heart and soul into something that started as a short project and ended as an elaborate memorial.