Saturday, August 22, 2009

No TV Time for Killers

As you all know, Pittsburgh has made the national news more than once in the last 6 months for fatal shootings. Senseless crimes that ended innocent lives. How does a human being intentionally kill another? Most victims don't have the opportunity to realize they are being victimized, they usually don't have the opportunity to react. What sick, dimented coward finds their salvation, their sanctuary in another person's death?

Here's my advice for the media: when this kind of thing happens, don't give the killer any attention. Reveal their identity if you must and then leave it alone. I don't want to know about the killer's house, hobbies, blog, dating history or favorite coffee shop. The killer chose a subhuman path and our media rewards them with fame.

The world is full of evil people boys and girls. Sensationalizing their behavior blurs the line between good and evil. Don't give killers the opportunity to make a name for themselves. Don't give them the opportunity to become famous. If the potential killer knows he will die a meaningless death, if he knows that no one will be reading about him in the papers or looking at his photo on t.v. afterwards, then maybe some of those potential killers will lose their motivation.

Think about it.


Cassie Kay said...

I NEVER thought it of that way before! I'm really glad you wrote this!!

Purple Monster said...

You're the man J-Wo. Spoken like a true Zombie Slayer!

Dr. Rob said...

Right on!