Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Light Paintings

I have a new artist to share with you. His name is Gary Stubelick from Boston (also known as G-Flip) and he creates drawings and paintings with light during prolonged exposures. These are so cool from concept all the way through finished product. How innovative! His light sources include everything from penlights to pyrotechnic displays which happen to include highway flares and sparklers.

You have to look through his art at Notice that he does not digitally manipulate the images - what you see is what occurred during the exposure.

I always love discovering new and exciting things occurring in the arts. This is definitely worth your time- go check it out!


Cassie Kay said...

VERY impressive. Love it!

Anonymous said...

They look like images of fire. Really cool. It's very cool that you promote other artists like this on your blog. You're an awesome dude!