Monday, December 7, 2009

Murder for fun?

Winter has arrived and I'm feeling it. I'm feeling a bit under the weather and slept most of the day. When I'm fighting a cold or trying to recover from one I start drinking a ton of water, enough to make me never want to drink another bottle of water again. Then I take a super dose of vitamins. I also add chocolate in the mix, but that's just because I like it... no strategy to that decision.

So anyway, what a waste of a day. One full day that I won't get back. I was planning on going to the dojo tonight, I had other things to do..including some shopping. Maybe I can catch up tomorrow.

At one point in my day I turned on the television, I can't read with a headache, so I figured I would spend some time in front of the tv. It's amazing the premium channels charge a fee for their programming. Honestly, it's so bad. Even the On-Demand choices- hundreds of movies I have no interest in watching. One thing I really don't get: who is watching these horror/slash films? Seriously, who? They are constantly being produced, so there is apparently a demand for them. Movies about innocent people being terrorized, tormented, killed and maimed... and people like this? Don't you think these movies have an affect on people? I have to think so. I don't think these movies have a place in Hollywood. I'm sure very few people will agree with me on that, but turning death and murder into entertainment doesn't make a very good statement about us as a people, as a civilization.

Think about it.


Cassie Kay said...

Agreed! Who the hell gets thrills from watching horrific gory murders? Are people really that apathetic towards humanity? That stuff in the movies really does happen to innocent people. It's called hate crimes and violence, and it's not fun or cool, and it's not meant for entertainment in our living rooms.

James Wodarek said...

well said. :)