Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Universe out of balance

The D.C. Sniper, Fort Hood, senseless robberies and shootings- what is happening to people? Is the universe out of balance? I can't stand to watch the news anymore, there is one evil crime after another. Constant reminders that people are aggressive, violent and willing to kill for no reason.

Is the human race regressing? Apparently so. In this day and age, humans should have advanced beyond the need for war, for violence, for crime.

When you consider the issues abroad, you wonder how the free, civilized world can focus on peace, when terrorists cause our countries to become police states out of a sense of self preservation. Unfortunately, the global issues will not resolve themselves until the barbarians and primal sub-humans decide that killing is shameful and disgusting behavior. Within our own borders, the violence has to stop. People need to wake up. It is our responsibility as world leaders to restore the balance. Lead by example.



Art Girl said...

Out of balance: yes, it appears so my dear. I know you are a fan of the Dalai Lama, have you heard about how CHina has spoken out against him? Another example of how evil prevails in this world. China has the nerve to denounce the Dalai Lama.... Ridiculous!

James Wodarek said...

I did read about that. The current Dalai Lama is one of the most peaceful humans to grace this planet. Truly a remarkable person. China, the evil empire had the nerve to make the statement that they oppose him. Haven't they done enough?

Boycott China. Simply for the fact that they oppose everything you believe in, in regards to human rights. If you don't find China's government to be despicable, then you need need to educate yourself on global affairs.

Anonymous said...

China is the evil empire. Boycott China!!